Summer Series 2016

Our Summer teaching series will cover theological topics and personalities in the Old Testament.  Please contact Trent to sign up or ask a question.

Summer Series 2016
Date Topic Speaker
June 5 Introduction to God: creation, eternal triune God Mark Sherwood
June 12 Holy & immutable God Stan Skees
June 19 Omnipotence of God Danny Meadows
June 26 Omnipresence of God Blake Logan
July 3 Omniscience of God Paul Irvin
July 10 Self-existence/self-sufficiency of God James Kime
July 17 Adam's Family Victor Brooks
July 24 Cain the the ungodly line Trent Tuggle
July 31 Enoch, Methuselah, Noah, and God's judgement James Kime
August 7  Shem, Ham, Japheth, and Babel Jonathan Baldon
August 14 Abrahamic Covenant Lascells Stone
August 21 Abraham, Sarah, and Isaac Victor Brooks
August 28 Jacob Russ Harris
September 4 Israel John McDole
September 11 Israel's descendants Tim Baldon
September 18 Joseph: pre-leadership Paul King
September 25 Joseph: leadership Paul King