The Sweep of History

May 2024 - Present

This study picks up right where our Foundations study left off. Most people know a number of Bible stories, but do you know the order in which they take place? Did Daniel and Jonah hang out? Were Ruth and Esther friends? This study will go through the Old Testament timeline from creation to the cross, focusing on God’s plans and promises, and the historical background against which the events of the Old Testament actually took place! Emphasis will also be placed on relevant archaeology supporting so many of the events of the Old Testament.


May 2023 - April 2024

To understand the times we live in, we must first orient ourselves on God and His teaching. This study is designed to equip young and aspiring adults with the necessary grounding to thrive as they are increasingly exposed to our deteriorating culture. Beginning in Genesis 1:1, we pause and review arguments for the existence of God, as well as manuscript, and archaeological support for the Bible. Then we go in-depth into the creation account, branching out when it touches foundational subjects like marriage and the natures of God and man. With the light of Scripture, we are truly equipped to understand the spirit of the age we live in, and give an answer for the hope that lies within us!

Applied Survey of Doctrine

February 2022 - April 2023

This study combines a survey of major Bible doctrines with direct applications from the Biblical Counseling framework. This class provides a theological framework for Biblical interpretation, and a practical framework for understanding God, others, and yourself. Emphasis is given on the meaningful impact of doctrine on the worship life of the believer along with practical applications and implications.

Life of Christ

August 2020 - January 2022

A detailed study in the life of Christ, stressing the chronological and geographical aspects of the Lord’s ministry as He offers the kingdom to Israel with its subsequent rejection. (Slides available upon request, summary handout below.)

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Apologetics and Archaeology

January 2020 - August 2020

A detailed study of Biblical apologetics, covering arguments for the existence of God, an an introduction to Biblical archaeology, and archaeological evidence for the authenticity and accuracy of our Bible texts. (This study saw us move from handouts to movies and slides.)

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The Gospel of John

July 2018 - December 2019

This study in the Gospel of John emphasized the unique features of John’s gospel, as well as providing historical and cultural background and context. This study is based on an original study © 1988 by The Navigators.

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Our Bibles

February 2018 - May 2018

This short class focused on our Bibles.  We learned about inspiration, collection, transmission, translation, canonization.

Building on that, we learned about various types of Bible, how to use the helps found in many study Bibles, and we concluded with an introduction to Biblical interpretation (hermeneutics) and an applicational story.

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Applied Theology

June 2017 - January 2018

Our next study focused on applying what we learned previously, so we covered a number of different teaching areas by taking stories of a fictional character, “Tim,” and trying to discern how we could give him advice in a number of difficult situations he found himself in.

Survey of Doctrine

September 2016 - June 2017

This class is an introduction to basic Bible doctrines.  In this study we focused on the major areas of Bible doctrine: bibliology, theology proper, christology, pneumatology, angelology, biblical anthropology, hamartiology, soteriology, ecclesiology, and eschatology.