Lesson 1: Introduction to Apologetics

This week we talked about the reason to study apologetics: 1 Peter 3:15. This movie shows the absurdity of life without God. 

Lesson 2: The Argument from Contingency

This week we focused on the Liebnizian Cosmological Argument. Below is a video which summarizes the main points.

Lesson 3-4: The Kalam Cosmological Argument

This video summarizes the Kalam Cosmological Argument, and was shown in class.

Lesson 5: Argument from design

This video, shown in class, summarizes the main points of the Teleological argument for the existence of God from the design and fine-tuning of the universe.

Lesson 6: The Moral Argument

This video, shown at the end of class, summarizes the main points of the moral argument for the existence of God.

Lesson 7: The Ontological Argument

The video shown in class summarizes the argument for the existence of God from the very idea of a maximally perfect being.

Lesson 8: The Logical Version of the Intellectual Problem of Evil

This video provides a great summary of what we went over in class.

Lesson 9: The Probability Version of the Problem of Evil

This video, shown at the end of class, provides a synopsis of our teaching on the intellectual problem of evil.

Lesson 10: The Facts of the Historical Resurrection of Jesus Christ

This week we went over the facts that exist to support the historical resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Lesson 11: Explaining the Facts

This week we looked at explanations for the facts of the historical resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

Lesson 13: Authenticity of the Text

The videos shown this week can be found at Can We Trust the New Testament Manuscripts?

Lesson 16: Historical Accuracy of the Text

The video shown in class is no longer available online.